Mintimer Shaimiev hands in VII volume of the Book of philanthropists and letters of gratitude of the Revival Foundation
Mintimer Shaimiev hands in VII volume of the Book of philanthropists and letters of gratitude of the Revival Foundation
On January 26, at the Kazan Kremlin, State Counsellor of Tatarstan, Chairman of the Board of trustees of the Regional Foundation “Revival” Mintimer Shaimiev handed in the 7th volume of the Book of philanthropists with the list of 20,000 philanthropists, who made a considerable contribution to the revival of the historical heritage, and letters of gratitude of the Revival Foundation.
Chief of Staff of Tatarstan President’s Administration Asgat Safarov Chief of Staff of the Cabinet of Ministers Shamil Gafarov, and Head of administrative council of the Revival Foundation Yury Kamaltynov took part in the ceremony.
Mintimer Shaimiev told about work that is carried out in Bolgar and Sviyazhsk. In particular, reconstruction of the main historical sites is nearly completed and improvement of the embankment from the River station to Kul Gali hotel complex has started in Bolgar.
Shaimiev expressed special gratitude to employees of state authorities, ministries and agencies, who were the first to donate money for the construction of the Islamic Academy and reconstruction of the Cathedral.
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