Social policy
In order to preserve the health of the employees, in all the premises there are coolers with bottled water Recreation area for employees Lounge for drivers coming for finished products Table for fito-tea Free meals for all the employees ( TIPI is only kept - 13% of the cost of food) Lavatory Showers for employees Shoe dryer Washing of work clothes in the laundry room In the locker room of the production personnel, the lockers are assigned to specific employees Minor repairs of work clothes Training of employees
We believe that people are the most important element in any kind of business. Total success of a company depends on a staff skills, talents and attitudes. That’s why management of SPF Paker LLC pays attention to a social prosperity not less than to a production questions.
In 2004 we opened a medical department, which provides treatment, healthful and prophylactic procedures to a staff, and also their closest relatives could apply for a medicine aid here.
Once every three months our staff gets vitamins, in periods of virus infections we could pass vaccine treatment, in every office there are tables with an herbal tea on it.
Firm gives free tickets to those who wish to subscribe for a going to swimming-pool, gym, shaping, and yoga courses. There are some discounts for visiting preventative clinic or a dentist.
In autumn 2010, we start a campaign for a struggle with smoking. For getting rid of nicotine dependence we invite an acupuncture doctor, medical department gives daily consultation. In the firm`s library there are a big collection of foreign and local books, which helps to give up smoking. As of the start of 2012, 112 people put away their bad habit. Nonsmoking staff gets fruit package every month.
In June, 2010 SPF Paker opened a canteen, which suggests 3 types of food: ordinary feeding, dietic feeding and semi-portion feeding.
SPF Paker doesn`t forget about their retirees. Regularly firm helps them with a moneyed assistance, at the date of “Day for the Elderly” celebratory dinner is holding every year.
7, Severnaya Str., Oktyabrsky,Republic of Bashkortostan, 452606, RUSSIA
© 2009-2025 Paker Science and Production Firm
7, Severnaya Str., Oktyabrsky,
Republic of Bashkortostan, 452606, RUSSIA