KC Circulating Valve (rated up to 10 000 psi)

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KC Circulating Valve (rated up to 10 000 psi)

KC Circulating Valve (rated up to 10 000 psi)

It is designed for sealed separation and communication between the annulus with the interior of the tubing.

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  • it is used jointly with a packer during a formation hydraulic fracturing and other well operations after which the circulation above the packer is generated hydraulically.


  • in emergence cases to kill the well when it’s jointly used with a packer;
  • low price;
  • high repairability;
  • proven by years of application experience.


  • this valve can be used once during one tripping operation;
  • the valve’s actuated when the annulus pressure exceeds the pressure in the interior of the valve and tubing. 


Parameter, unit of measurement KC-110-56(17)-700-Т1001-К3 KC-114-60(49)-700-Т1001-К3 KC-118-60(49)-700-Т1001-К3 KC-136-76(27)-700-Т1001-К3
AHA 2.505.006 AHA 5.890.101 AHA 5.890.101-01 AHA 2.505.009
Minimum inner diameter for the production string, mm. 115.8 118.7 124.7 144.1
Pressure differential required to open the valve, MPa 18±12 15±12 142
Maximum temperature for the operating environment, ºС 100 (1501)
Maximum inner pressure sensed by the valve (inside the tubing), MPa 70
Equivalent diameter for the side ports, mm: 17 38 27
Overall dimensions, mm:  
1) outer diameter, not more than 110 114 118 136
2) passage bore diameter 56 60 60 76
3) length, not more than 535 465 465 565
Weight, kg, not more than 24 20 22 34
Plain-end tubing connection thread as per GOST 633-80: Ø 89
1) in top part (coupling);
2) in bottom part (nipple).

1 when placing an order for equipment for Т=150°С, please indicate Т150.

2 Pressure differential required to initially open the valve can be modified upon the customer’s request.

The valve is available in the following configurations:

No SPTA kit Valves for Т=100°С Valves for Т=150°С
Type Design Documentation code Type Design Documentation code
1 Zero KC-110-56(17)-700-Т100-К3-00 AHA 2.505.006/00 KC-110-56(17)-700-Т150-К3-00 AHA 2.505.006-20/00
2 Minimum SPTA 01 KC-110-56(17)-700-Т100-К3-01 AHA 2.505.006/01 KC-110-56(17)-700-Т150-К3-01 AHA 2.505.006-20/01
3 Standard SPTA 02 KC-110-56(17)-700-Т100-К3-02 AHA 2.505.006/02 KC-110-56(17)-700-Т150-К3-02 AHA 2.505.006-20/02
4 Standard Plus SPTA 03 KC-110-56(17)-700-Т100-К3-03 AHA 2.505.006/03 KC-110-56(17)-700-Т150-К3-03 AHA 2.505.006-20/03
5 Maximum SPTA 04 KC-110-56(17)-700-Т100-К3-04 AHA 2.505.006/04 KC-110-56(17)-700-Т150-К3-04 AHA 2.505.006-20/04

Sample code for ordering a valve in “Zero” configuration:

  • for Т=100ºС - KC-110-56(17)-700-Т100-К3-00 AHA 2.505.006/00;
  • for Т=150ºС - KC-110-56(17)-700-Т150-К3-00 AHA 2.505.006-20/00.

Sample code for ordering a valve in “Standard SPTA 02” configuration:

  • for Т=100ºС - KC-110-56(17)-700-Т100-К3-02 AHA 2.505.006/02;
  • for Т=150ºС - KC-110-56(17)-700-Т150-К3-02 AHA 2.505.006-20/02.


Dinar Sufiyanov
Dinar Sufiyanov
Director of sales development
+7 (34767) 5-21-01
+7 937 318-87-56
Skype: ved-paker
Timur Minnivaleev, Ph.D
Timur Minnivaleev, Ph.D
Deputy director for external relations
+7 927 468-33-87


E-mail: info@npf-paker.com

E-mail: info@npf-paker.com

7, Severnaya Str., Oktyabrsky,Republic of Bashkortostan, 452606, RUSSIA

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7, Severnaya Str., Oktyabrsky,
Republic of Bashkortostan, 452606, RUSSIA