The seminar for European social charter

The seminar for European social charter

The seminar for European social charter

On 3-4 September the seminar for European social charter was held in the Republic Bashkortostan. This was organized by the Department of European social charter and European Code of social security, by the Directorate General for human rights and rule of law of European Union in the cooperation with the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Russian Federation and Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic Bashkortostan.

The seminar was given with the aim of providing the full information about the European social charter to executive organs of Russian Federation. The European social charter completes the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, which doesn’t content the guarantee of economic and social rights and focused on the prosperity of participating states citizens. Norms of the Charter don’t vary from the norms of the Convention of International Labour Organization and International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, which guarantees social rights. But the Charter is essential to the source of European law, as it is oriented to standards of Council of Europe and calculates the social economic development level of the European countries.

The seminar was started on 3 of September in Ufa. Among the foreign seminar attendees were Regis Briya, the Director of the Department of European social charter of European Code of Social Security of Council of Europe, NIamh Anna Casey – lawer of the department of European social charter and European Code of Social Security of Council of Europe and Nick Vujicic – Labour and Social Department Chairman of Jagiellonian University in Krakow, member of the European Committee of Social Rights (ECSR). The Russian side were represented by the President of Republic Bashkortostan, Rustem Khamitov, heads of department of the Ministry of Labour and Employment of Russia and Republic Bashkortostan, heads of committees of Labour and Employment of Russian Federation and others.

On 4 September attendees of the seminar visited SPF Paker LLC in order to get acquainted with the manufactory, labour conditions and social guarantees for employees. The closing address was held there as well. The ceremony was started with Environment, Safety, Fire and Health instruction and with the conduct guide tour of the factory. Afterwards the closing meeting was held and results of the visit and the total seminar were reviewed. Seminar participants were satisfied of factory labour conditions and noticed, that the employee tendance level in SPF Paker LLC is according to the lead republic Russian and world sample. Taken as a whole it was mentioned that the seminar fulfilled the set purpose.

The event was highlighted in the city newspaper „Oktyabrsky neftyanik“ №175 from 11 September 2013.


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