
In order to fulfill the tasks of ensuring the uniformity of measurements and metrological support, a metrological service was established at the enterprise in 2006.

The metrological service of SPF Paker LLC meets the requirements of the Russian calibration system, the requirements of GOST ISO/IEC 17025-2009 "General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories" and is included in the register of the Russian Calibration System. Modern reference base, high-precision measuring instruments, as well as qualified personnel make it possible to carry out accurate measurements of the geometry of products, including products with complex surface shapes, such as threaded gauges. Work is also being carried out to determine the metrological characteristics of the means of admission control (templates, calibers).

Today we have 300 control calibers for metric, lock thread, tubing thread, OTM, casing.

The metrological service of SPF Paker LLC provides the following types of services for third-party customers:
  • repair, maintenance of measuring instruments of geometric and mechanical quantities;
  • calibration of measuring instruments for geometric and mechanical quantities;
  • calibration of threaded and smooth gauges for monitoring external and internal threads (plugs and rings):
    • metric, trapezoidal, tube cylindrical, inch, lock;
    • triangular thread tubing, triangular thread casing pipes;
    • trapezoidal thread of casing pipes, connections of the "batress" type;

If there are drawings or regulatory documents for other types of threads (API, etc.) from the customer, calibration is carried out according to the customer's technical specification.



7, Severnaya Str., Oktyabrsky,Republic of Bashkortostan, 452606, RUSSIA

© 2009-2025 Paker Science and Production Firm

7, Severnaya Str., Oktyabrsky,
Republic of Bashkortostan, 452606, RUSSIA